Connect with Life ON Mission

“For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them” Ephesians 2:10

God made you for a purpose. He desires to extend His grace to you through life IN Christ & then extend His grace THROUGH you to others through life lived on mission.

Two Marks of Life ON Mission

  • Here’s a few tools to help you in your discovery:
    • SHAPE Profile. SHAPE is an Acrostic for Spiritual Gifts, Heart, Abilities, Personality, Experiences. Download the SHAPE Profile Card HERE
    • APEST Test. APEST is an Acrostic for the 5-fold ministries described in Ephesians 4:11 – “Now these are the gifts Christ gave to the church: the APOSTLES, the PROPHETS, the EVANGELISTS, and the PASTORS and TEACHERS.” Take a brief inventory to see where you are HERE

    Spiritual Gifts Inventory. Take a free online inventory HERE.

Bridge Church has the audacious goal of EVERYBODY being on mission. Opportunities to be on mission through Bridge Church include:

  • Serving on a Ministry Team. We have 7 ministry teams that do life around a mission in our church or community. Our desire is for you to connect with a team based upon your own unique SHAPE & Gifting by God.
  • Faith in Action Sunday. Four times each year we take a Sunday to serve our community together. These are opportunities to serve as a family or to stretch your faith by taking on a project for a neighbor in need. Click here to find out more about Faith in Action Sunday.
  • Mission Trips. Bridge Church will have several opportunities each year for individuals & families to travel across state or international lines to join God on mission. Watch for those opportunities. Click here to see footage from a recent trip to Haiti. 

My Starting Point is connecting with Life On Mission.

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